This article appeared in the Zambia Daily Mail newspaper on Saturday 11th August, 2018. Go here to read directly from the newspaper website. By Japhet Kapambwe Mesa I read with interest an article in the Zambia Daily Mail of Tuesday, July 3, 2018 titled Bitcoin: Zambia not yet ready. Whilst the information presented in the said article was the opinion of the author, there are a few issues that arose from it that I wish to address. Worth noting is the tagline of the article that read, “the decentralised digital currency has no central bank regulation”. However, this absence of regulation or central authority is the inherent nature and essence of Bitcoin; and arguably is the very reason of its exponential growth. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer cash transfer system, which allows for the transfer of value between two people without having to go through a third party or central authority such as a bank – note the use of the word ‘value’ instead of ‘money’. There is...
A community of cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts in Zambia.