By Mulima Chibuye Guest contributor There has never been a time when one needs to be more security conscious with their digital data than now when it is common place to see social media shaming, leaked passwords, leaked conversations and a whole lot of other unsavoury information. What has led to all these hacks you may wonder, well, we do live in the information age and data is king. There is a global drive towards an e-economy spurred by e-government and the massive rollout of public telecommunication infrastructure. While we throw away the paper based files and folders, we say hello to electronic documents, flash disks, hard drives and cloud storage. With a world so interconnected, one can see why it is important to understand some basic security concepts in dealing with data. Specifically, I here discuss how you can secure your cryptocurrencies in the world today. Crypto currencies live on the internet. It is also quite possible to store them on a device that is not connecte...
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