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Crypto on the rise again

The recent 2 weeks has seen the price of Bitcoin surge a whooping 55.9% from US$6,010 to US$9,325 per Bitcoin (at time of writing). In similar fashion, all the other crypto currencies have followed suit.

We expect that the talk about crypto currencies in general will shift from the proverbial "Bitcoin is dead", to "I do not want to miss out!". Suddenly, the general populace will awaken to the opportunities that are presented by crypto and will want to take part. The good thing is that it is never too late to join in. However, here a few tips before you can jump in:

1. Only invest/spend as much as you can comfortably lose without catastrophic consequences.
2. Do not be too much in a haste to make money. Do not rush into businesses that promise you astronomical returns within a very short period of time.
3. Take time to do your own research.
4. Do adequate due diligence.
5. Think more of medium to long term rather than short term.

If you are in Zambia and would like to learn more about how you can take part in the crypto space you can contact us via email at or like us on facebook - Crypto Tamanga. Our team will be happy to hold your hand through the process.


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